Employee in Marilyn Mosby’s office is under investigation
The State Prosecutor looks into allegations of misuse of grand jury subpoenas by a prosecutor in the State’s Attorney’s Office
Above: Adam Chaudry was photographed with Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby at a 2016 community event (@BaltimoreSAO)
A search warrant was executed today in the offices of the Baltimore City State’s Attorney, leading to speculation that the warrant involved the federal criminal investigation of SA Marilyn Mosby and her husband, Baltimore City Council President Nick Mosby.
Mosby’s spokesperson, Zy Richardson, quickly issued a written denial, saying that Mosby herself had just learned of the investigation “related to an employee” that was opened by Maryland State Prosecutor Charlton T. Howard III.
“We are fully cooperating with the Office of the State Prosecutor,” Richardson said in the press release. “This is an open and pending investigation and we cannot comment any further.”
The employee in question, three sources tell The Brew, is Adam L. Chaudry, a homicide prosecutor in Mosby’s office. He is allegedly being investigated for misusing grand jury subpoenas to gather information on an ex-partner, the sources say.
Chaudry could not be reached for comment by phone or email.
5/12/21 UPDATE: His attorney, Patrick R. Seidel, issued this statement: “There has been no misuse of grand jury subpoenas. There is no misconduct here worthy of a criminal investigation. I look forward to working with the State Prosecutor’s Office to clear up any misconceptions or misunderstandings.”
In 2018, Chaudry led the successful prosecution of Terrell Gibson, who was found guilty of murdering Dionay Smith, the younger brother of then-Baltimore Police spokesman T.J. Smith.
Unrelated to Mosby Probe
Two state investigators showed up this morning at the SAO’s downtown office to execute the warrant, according to a report in the Baltimore Sun.
On Twitter and elsewhere, there was widespread chatter that the subpoena related to the federal probe of the Mosbys’ tax write-offs, businesses and travel activities.
In early March, federal prosecutors issued grand jury subpoenas to Nick Mosby at City Hall and Marilyn Mosby at her Baltimore residence.
Additional subpoenas were issued to Marilyn Mosby’s campaign treasurer and business accountant seeking bank statements, fundraising reports, cancelled checks, phone contacts and more.
The subpoenas specifically sought information regarding Mahogany Elite Enterprises and Monumental Squared – companies that the Mosbys had set up whose existence was first publicly reported in The Brew.
The Mosbys’ lawyer, A. Scott Bolden, has denounced the federal investigation as a “political witch hunt in its purest form.”
• To reach this reporter: reuttermark@yahoo.com